Sunday School Class
This class is led by Fred Merritt. Most members are active in church affairs and enjoy this fellowship of believers which lives, loves and laughs, supporting each other. All ages are welcome, however the majority of the attendees are 50+.
Bible study is central with interpretation enhanced by various references. Members interact and deepen the discussions. Past studies have reviewed Heaven, Hell, Angels, Death and the Last Words of Christ. We try to discover, through the Bible, what Jesus was thinking. Biblical studies have led to reviews of the basic beliefs of the United Methodist Church, such as its Social Principles, Church Structure and Doctrine.
Please join this class in Room W203 in Walsh Hall at 9:45 am on Sunday mornings.
Sunday School Class
Journey with us towards Christ in laughter, love, support and spirited debate! Grace UMC’s Travelers class is led by Rick Zigler, with occasional help from Russell Ipock, Ann Blalock and Mary Virginia Freeman. We meet in room W202 on the second level on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Travelers read and discuss Christian books by authors such as John Ortberg, Max Lucado, Philip Yancey, James W. Moore, Bill Hybels and, of course, God (the Bible).
Sunday School Class
Notes for the Friendship Sunday
School Class are sent out every week regarding our lesson. If you would like to be put on our email list, email: LDFLOREA@AOL.COM.

Sunday School Class
Inner Grace is a lively Sunday School class of young adults ranging in age from early 20s to late 40s. We are a mixture of young and mature families as well as singles. The class is led by Pastor Benny Oakes.
Working with the Family Ministry Curriculum we take a closer look at people and events in the Bible. From taking both a historical look at the time and a spiritual look at what the context, we dive deeper into the same stories our children are learning. Our discussions are lively and thought provoking–our bonds are strengthened by each member, every week. Every week we have discussion points and stories to share with our children about walking through this life as a Christian.

Grace 3-Sixteens
Grades 6th – 12th
3rd – 5th Grade
Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations. The Hands-On Bible by Group uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way.
With hundreds of fun, memorable activities and the full New Living Translation text, the Hands-On Bible makes this class fun with faith-building lessons and meaningful Bible study.
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade
Our faith encounter in this class features Cokesbury’s Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Grow Your Faith by Leaps and Bounds incorporates Bible stories, activities, media, and games into a full faith experience. Children in this class develop the skills to unlock Bible messages and grow their faith.
As your child grows in mind and body; they also grow in heart and soul. In faith, our children learn to proclaim the good news of God’s love and to serve God and neighbor.
Ages 2 – 4
This class is characterized by an emphasis on discovery learning. Each child’s faith experience emerges by choosing activities within a prescribed range of options.
The room is lovingly prepared for the children with simple yet beautiful materials. The children can ponder a biblical passage by taking material from that text and working with it, like placing wood figures of sheep in the sheepfold of the Good Shepherd or moving the characters in a Nativity to discover the birth of Christ.