Welcome to Grace UMC
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard needed items:
– Travel-sized personal hygiene items: soap/body wash, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and razors.
– Feminine hygiene products (all sizes).
– Grocery-sized paper bags with handles.
– Plastic grocery bags.
– Reusable, durable grocery bags.
Thank you to Grace UMC members! Your donations continue to make a difference each week especially when our supplies become very low.
Please continue to place your donations in the grocery cart near the elevator in the Welcome Center. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Since Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard tries to give food to last about a week, they try to give each client as much food as they can carry. Food in glass/breakable containers is not given out because bags may break before the client gets home. Many clients walk several blocks or ride the bus to MHC. You may also make donations on the website: https://www.motherhubbardsnc.com
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