Children’s Ministry

Based on Matthew 17:12 our youngest learn that it just takes the faith of a Mustard Seed to accomplish any task life hands you.  Our children’s team is focused on providing a loving educational environment.
Grace Children’s Church is offered during both worship services. Children ages 3-8 are invited to join us for games, crafts, and Bible time. Children will sit with their families during the beginning of the service, then after the children’s moment, they will be called to leave for Children’s Church. Children’s activities are planned throughout the year. Check the yearly and monthly updates below. 
Coming up...January and February News:
Parent Night Out-Thursday, January 9th from 5-8 PM
Family Fun Day-Sunday, January 26th at Bounce of Wilmington after the second service.
Parent Night Out-Thursday, February 6th from 5-8 PM
Family Fun Day-Sunday, February 23rd at Cardinal Lans after the second service. 
May be an image of 1 person, heart and text that says 'February Newsletter Grace United Methodist Children's Program Parent Night Out Feb 13th from 5-8pm Drop off the kids with wonderful wonderful Children's Staff and enjoy evening yourself. There will Valentine's crafts activities. For those interested we will be providing dinner well! RSVP 11th Kelsey Keenan by February or Want more? Cant make this one? Upcoming: March 20th April10th April 10th May 8th June 12th Family Fun Day February 23rd at Cardinal Lanes Bowling Alley Immediately following second service! RSVP with Kelsey Keenan by February 21st'
Kelsey Keenan
Director of Children’s Ministries
Janet Keenan
Nursery Director
Brenna Keenan